The Ten Things Every Event Needs!
The Ten Things Every Event Needs!
Events are really exciting things to be a part of, and naturally you want to make sure yours is as mind blowing and fantastic as possible. In order to do that, take heed from our list below!
Organisation is key
Every single thing needs to be accounted for, regardless of whether it is a major part of your design, or one tiny little detail. You need to know the rules of the venue, not just assume. For instance, some venues only allow you to reheat food, not cook from scratch. Your caterers would obviously need to be briefed on this!
As well as catering, there are also the technical aspects that need to be considered. If you are having speeches, then think about bringing a spare microphone- just in case! The same goes for extension leads and batteries. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!
Even though it is essential to work out your timings down to a T, you have to allow time for things to go wrong, or things to overrun. No event is 100% absolutely perfect, there is always some mad dash somewhere in the day- the important thing is to make sure there are as few mad dashes as possible!
And not just your speakers or entertainment, everyone who is involved needs to rehearse too. For example, see how long it takes the waiters to serve the food- and are there any problems, is the walkway too small, or are they tripping on anything? All of these things need to be addressed before our event goes ahead to ensure smooth sailing!
Oh the power of a printed sheet of information! Make sure everyone involved in the organisation has a detailed list of everything needed for the event as well as the timings, who needs to be where and when and
Health & Safety
This is obviously so important to an event that runs smoothly. Health and safety is paramount, and your attention to it needs to begin even before you start properly planning your event- it needs to be one of the first things you think of when booking a venue as well as being a significant part of your plan throughout the entire planning and execution.
We hope that these tips have helped you in planning for your event, and have given you some really good tips on your organisation for your upcoming event!
This article was created by our friends at Lime Venue Portfolio.